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Displaying items by tag: energy

Friday, 26 September 2014 07:19

Clean energy from Shell

Melting glaciers. Increasing climate change. Depleted oil and natural gas reserves. This is not another trailer to an apocalyptic film that will soon enter the cinemas, but facts which more and more people are worried about. Instead of sitting unproductively, perhaps it’s worth considering some innovative solutions to these environmental problems?

Published in Ecology
Thursday, 12 September 2013 10:19

How Can Increase Energy for Daily Activity?

Deficiency of energy appears to be the main excuse for not doing many things for many people. These are the things we want to do, like to do and most importantly enjoy doing it. This is not a good way to lead life. So, how to increase energy for daily activity then? We should be able to manage our energy and increase energy for our daily activity. 1. Sleep properly

Published in Health
Thursday, 12 September 2013 10:17

What Are The Good Supplements To Increase Energy

If you consistently feel lethargic and tired, finding the best and natural energy supplements can help in increasing the levels of your energy. So, what are good supplements to increase energy? Since there are so many things to choose from, it may not be easy to choose any one among them. Some are reliable and some are not. You need to find one that will actually

Published in Health
Wednesday, 21 August 2013 17:34

Saving on your home

We save on everything – we choose the cheapest products in the supermarket, alternatives to medication, cheaper cosmetics.  All in the name of effectively managing our domestic budget.  However, after a whole month of effort to ensure your wallet isn’t empty you find that once again you don’t have a penny after paying your bills.  It’s time for a change!

Published in Ecology
Tagged under
There is so many things in life that you never notice because you are so busy making a living for you and your family.  These simple things are not noticeable now a day but when you try to slow down and appreciate life itself, you will discover that there are many things in life that you should be thankful of. It is understandable that you are always busy because you just want to provide the best for your family.
Published in Gadgets
Technological advancement is only possible through constant research and innovations. The latest example of such progress is the LED light bulb. Most research is carried out in order to find a way of improving the performance of an existing facility or to find a new product that will prove to be more economical and more efficient than the existing facility.
Published in Ecology
While making visits to national parks or forest preserves, you'll often be told to 'leave nothing but footprints.' This is always a good policy in these types of situations. However, we often forget, or simply do not know that wherever we go, we actually leave two sets of footprints. Your physical footprint is, for the most part, a harmless indentation left behind wherever you step.
Published in Ecology