Unpleasant smelling clothes can spoil the mood of most people. The worst thing is when their smell comes to us only when we leave the house. Then we no longer have the opportunity to change clothes. How to avoid such situations and how to make laundry smell fresh? The reasons for bad smelling clothes can be multiple. Let’s see how we can efficiently beat them all and start each day in beautifully fragrant clothes!
Fight against humidity
How to get fresh smelling laundry? Let your clothes dry! Very often, humidity is responsible for badly smelling clothes. This is because wet clothes encourage the growth of mold. How can we avoid bad smells of this origin?
- Never let the laundry stay wet in the washing machine for a long time. It’s best to hang washed clothes out after the washing machine’s program is over. There’s no time to lose. The longer you wait, the worse the smell of your laundry will be.
- Try to hang the laundry in an area with good air circulation. If possible, put them outside the house. The sun and wind will keep your clothes fresh and fragrant.
- Don’t stuff clothes tightly on the drying lines. In that case, you can also take into account that the humidity will do its job and your clothes will become moldy.
- Don’t put clothes that are even slightly wet in the wardrobe. Give them time to dry peacefully. It’s not worth the rush.
- When your clothes become stale – the best natural weapons in that fight are definitely sun and frost, which have the ability to kill the main culprits of the whole such a mess.
Avoid a contact with strong odors
Clothes have the ability to absorb various odors. It’s best when they’re nice, but as we know – it can be different.
Everyone who has ever worked in gastronomy knows it. Over time, the clothes just started to smell like a mix of french fries, pizza and fat. It’s not very cool, is it? Well… definitely not and it can be really annoying. But these situations cannot be avoided – we have to earn somehow, right?
However, you can avoid many other situations in which our everyday clothes can absorb the unpleasant smell. How to keep laundry smelling fresh?
- Never ever dry clothes in a room that receives smells from the kitchen. We guarantee that after frying the meat, you’ll have the impression that you’re wearing a cutlet – not your favorite dress.
- If your clothes smell bad after washing, make sure it’s not the washing machine's fault. It’s a good idea to clean it regularly to get rid of the unpleasant smell that arises as a result of humidity and detergent residues. Clothes can absorb a lot – even washed in beautifully fragrant agents.
- Make sure the place where you store your clothes is fresh. The wardrobe can also smell bad, especially when you’ve stored musty clothes in it. Just in case, wash the drawers and the inside of the wardrobe and hang out the scented drawer liners.
Do the laundry in good detergents
What you wash your clothes with also matters. Do you know this feeling when your clothes smell of chemicals after using a traditional detergent? Nothing nice. The smell of chemicals is really hard to remove. But it’s not the smell that is the main problem in that case, but the toxicity of such agents. How to make your laundry smell fresh and minimize the risk of allergies and skin irritations?
- Avoid traditional detergents, not only for the nice smell of your clothes, but also for your health. On the market you’ll find a lot of agents with a delicate but efficient action and a nice smell. Natural laundry detergent with lavender and lemongrass is one of them.
- Fabric conditioners are nice, but also can contain a lot of chemicals. If you want your clothes to smell beautiful, just add a few drops of fragrance oil to your laundry. For example pine oil, which perfectly neutralizes unpleasant odors, is a good answer to the question – how to keep your laundry smelling fresh longer – but it also helps to beat mold both – in the washing machine and clothes.
We know how important the sense of smell is. Especially the one who accompanies us all day. Enjoy fresh laundry for a long time with our tips and forget about unpleasantly smelling items. Always wear fragrant clothes and don't spoil yourself anymore!