What to pay special attention to?
Relevant choices are most often the result of an efficient decision-making process. So let's get to know its elements. These include analyzing the situation, understanding the goal, looking for possible solutions and finding a better alternative in terms of the criteria set.
What am I like? The first step at the crossroads of educational migration is to determine your own potential. It is worth taking a look at not only interests, talents or skills. The temperament, value system and individual character are also important.
What do I want? Motivation is the key to success. What do we expect from a university? What are our priorities? These are questions in the face of which we recommend to be honest. Some are motivated by the popularity of the subject, some by family tradition, and others earnings. Passion or pragmatics? At the University of Economics and Information Technology in Krakow, we know that it is best to combine both.
What benefits does it offer? Next, you should look at the current educational offer on the market. Is there an outlet in the area that is compatible with our profile? What are the recruitment rules, program, specializations? At the University of Economics and Computer Science in Krakow, we have launched many education paths from the most dynamically developing IT industry, including programming of mobile and web applications as well as IT project management with English as a language of instruction.
Be sure to find out, if besides traditional exercises and lectures, also trainings and workshops as well as alternative development paths are offered. For example, our Technology Park, School of Programming, Microsoft Technology Academy are noteworthy elements of the entire educational offer.
WSEI University Strategy - an emphasis on practice
Some centers focus on research, others on education. Some provide general knowledge, others promote narrow specializations. WSEI has implemented Project-based learning. It perfectly corresponds with the dynamic reality, and puts emphasis on practical training to prepare for the self-standing of the rules of the market game. Access to advanced technologies, the ability to implement your own projects and collect experience on the international arena are further advantages of our university in Krakow.
Teaching staff of IT specialists
Your attention should also be given to lecturers. Are they practitioners or only experts in theory? In WSEI classes are run by IT specialists who work in the industry on a daily basis. People who know the programming and designing rope are an invaluable source of practical knowledge. Decide for a university that will give you an advantage over others. You will build your future in the innovative space of the University of Economics and Information Technology. More about WSEI and how to apply - https://en.wsei.edu.pl/.