Wednesday, 17 July 2013 19:45

High power mobile phone jammer

High power mobile phone jammer also known as a mobile cell phone radio signal jammer, these types of devices work for distracting and jamming almost all incoming signals from the relevant network service provider so there only some specific Phone Jammer which are resistant to this, mostly of which you most likely would not come across anyway. A High power mobile phone jammer is an electronic device which is able of blocking cell phone signal within a particular radius.
Wednesday, 17 July 2013 19:44

Hi-Tech RO Systems New Arrivals for 2013

We offer a wide selection of Reverse Osmosis Systems, and RO Drinking Water Systems. RO systems for Commercial,Industrial and Domestic purpose from,drink healthy and live healthy.  Revive aa+  •Excellent effect such as Vitamin C •Removes acidic waste from body •Water and nutrients are absorbed more effectively into the body. •Supplies minerals to help the balance of metabolism •Makes better water taste. •pH increase pH HydroTester
As a new generation of energy saving LED tube light, although it has appeared for only a few years from the earliest to now, the rapid development witnessed the process of the product constantly improving and innovating.  The first generation LED Tube light  The shell of early (around 2005) led tube light is made of plastic, used F5 straw hat led lamp beads as lamp beads, the fiberglass board is used as circuit board, power supply is built-in non-isolated power supply,
Wednesday, 17 July 2013 19:41

Walkie talkie as a handy tool

Known as the handheld transceiver in more formal language, a walkie talkie is a two way radio transceiver, use of which can be traced back to the Second World War. Nowadays these come in handy at commercial worksites and are also used for public safety sometimes. Very common types of walkie talkies usually resemble a telephone handset, perhaps a little bigger in size with an antenna attached to it on top. It is composed of a “half duplex channel” and a button
Tunnel lighting steps: determining tunnel type ? confirm tunnel brightness and uniformity ? ensure the tunnel road type to determine the vertical illuminance, which is higher than the standard ? select the appropriate light sources and lamps whether the HPS or LED tunnel light? make sure how to illuminate and lamp spacing ? ??calculate lighting effects, improved lighting solutions  The tunnel lighting, in addition to meeting the requirements of the general lighting, especially