Tips to make your skin speak on its own
So which quick yet effective tips can come to your aid? Read through the following to retain the youthfulness in your skin.
• Follow the advice of the elderly and drink ample amount of water. It is essential to keep yourself hydrated at all times, a minimum of eight glasses of water is recommended by experts to keep the body’s water level up.
• Exfoliation ensures development of new skin cells on your face which makes you look ever so young.
• Your body and mind need appropriate rest at the appropriate time, so maintain a proper sleep cycle. Give your body organs time enough to produce the essential hormones, on time for which a deep sleep at night is very important.
• Fruits like avocado and strawberries are rich in Vitamin C, which helps in the formation of skin tissue. So go out and eat them while walking to your office or home.
• Eating hydrating fruits and vegetables like cucumber, watermelon, citric fruits like oranges, lemon, etc will give you a healthier feel and your skin will stay young for long.
• Smoking chokes up the blood capillaries and makes your skin age, making it prone to wrinkles. So what are you waiting for? Quit smoking, it will do more good than harm.
• Save yourself from excessive UV rays to keep your body’s melanin i.e., your skin’s colour pigment, production at the normal.
• Simple exercises – body stretches when you wake up or before hitting the sack, can keep your body metabolism high and hence the blood circulation normal which will in turn keep your skin fresh. Only 5 minutes of stretches will do wonders!
Wake up from that lazy slumber and get started with taking care of yourself and your skin. Become a confident person not only with your knowledge but also with your looks. Amit Kumar